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To All Prospective Authors

Before delivering an appraisal of your manuscript, please let us emphasise the importance of an honest and objective review, so as not to mislead nor disappoint the author at a later stage.

Our main concern is that any author who publishes through CheckPoint Press will be genuinely proud of the finished article, and that anyone buying a CheckPoint Press book will not be disappointed. Therefore the standard has to be high. This way, we stand a better chance of developing and maintaining trade awareness of CheckPoint Press books as being some way above the bar – of genuinely having ‘something to say’ – and the author in turn can be confident that their work is in good hands.

As to commercial promise; we also have to assess the sales potential of any given title before deciding between offering a self-publishing service, or a traditional contract. For obviously, we cannot as a rule invest time, money and resources into titles that may not be able to cover their costs in actual sales. Sometimes we will publish a book purely on principle – simply because we feel it deserves to be in print. But we must also remain practical, so as to ensure our continued high standards and the survival of the business.  

To this end we must emphasise the importance of submitting work that is already edited, because any work that is liberally peppered with basic punctuation or grammatical errors will not meet our standards, and will therefore not qualify for our services.

The other major factor in the appraisal process is the genre. For traditional contracts we are particularly interested in non-fiction works such as instruction manuals, academic books, social commentaries and the like, but we may on occasion offer a traditional contract to an outstanding work of poetry or fiction.   

As a general guide, fiction, poetry and personal memoirs sell very few copies unless the author is very well known, or the book is the subject of an active and effective marketing campaign – so please understand that all these issues must be taken into consideration when making a publishing decision.

Please feel free to assess your own work against the criteria listed below for an indication of whether or not your work qualifies for the CheckPoint Press library.  

Thank you again for allowing us to review your manuscript, and best wishes with your writing.

CheckPoint Press
‘Books With Something To Say’
Criteria for a positive, high-scoring appraisal includes:

Non-fiction books:
Well researched
Well written
Popular-interest topic (or).. ..controversial topic
Academic subject material
Expert / qualified author
Merit and integrity

Fiction and poetry:
Very well written, plus a
strong and convincing marketing plan..
How to fail the CheckPoint Press FREE manuscript appraisal..

We welcome the submission of any manuscript on any topic, and do not wish to discourage prospective authors unduly, but we also feel prospective authors should be advised that certain genres such as graphic horror fiction, pornography or racist material would not be suitable for inclusion in the CheckPoint Press library. However, a certain amount of literary licence is allowed for the appropriate inclusion of certain themes and content at the editor’s discretion.   

Manuscripts may also be passed over for the following reasons:

Poor grammar or syntax
Multiple punctuation errors
Gratuitous sexual content
Excessive foul language
Gratuitous graphic violence
Lack of objectivity (in academic-type books)
Copyright infringement
Please submit your manuscript
by clicking here
Traditional Contracts are generally awarded to quality non-fiction books only, except in exceptional circumstances.
Your Options..
1. Have I read the FREE Author’s Guide?

2. Is my manuscript well researched and well written?

3. Has my manuscript been properly edited?

4. Are my expectations realistic?

5. Am I prepared to collaborate in marketing efforts?

If you can answer ‘yes’ to the above, then please send in your manuscript for appraisal - by email attachment.

You will receive an automated receipt email, and within 5 working days an advice on when to expect a full appraisal decision.

In the event your work does not meet our quality standards upon first submission - please don’t be discouraged, as your personalised appraisal will contain notes and advice on how you can improve the quality of the manuscript before resubmission.

Please scroll down the page for more information on submission guidelines.
Before submission, ask yourself..
Author's Guide Free Author’s Guide
Religious Books:

There is a fine line between censorship and being selective, so, especially in the case of religion-related books, we would like to advise prospective authors that our manuscript selection process hinges chiefly upon the objectivity and overall ‘balance’ of the work.

We actively encourage religion-related materials, especially those written with an academic and objective bent by authors with a broad knowledge of their subject material. Accordingly, we welcome expositions and religious critiques, as well as well-informed commentaries on the various faith traditions.

However, purely ‘faith-based’ works that promote the beliefs of any particular religion (or individual) in an elitist, sectarian or overtly offensive way will probably be rejected.     
Controversial or ‘Taboo’ Topics:

We welcome manuscripts dealing with controversial topics, or those that challenge traditional models, theories or viewpoints. Indeed, authors of such manuscripts are positively encouraged to apply for a traditional contract with us, because the CheckPoint Press motto, ‘Books With Something To Say’ is specifically geared towards books that will really make a difference - not necessarily through short-term commercial promise, but because of the intrinsic integrity of the work itself.

Accordingly, as long as the manuscript meets our quality standards; authors who have found difficulty getting a manuscript accepted because the material has not been deemed ‘politically correct’, or because the work has limited earning potential or limited popular appeal, should find themselves feeling much more at home amongst the quality titles and courageous subject materials in the CheckPoint Press library.     
Marketing and Promotions:
Whilst we will do all we can to help promote your book, including placing it on all the major booksellers’ websites, and giving you free promotional flyers and pdf samples of your finsihed book to circulate at will (please see our Bookstore for examples), we should nevertheless emphasise the necessity of marketing efforts on the part of the author, for no matter how interesting, important or entertaining your book may be.. no-one will buy it if they don’t know it’s ‘out there’. We are currently in the process of negotiating independant placement deals in high-street bookstores, but there is no substitute for direct marketing efforts by the author. So the more enthusiastic and organised you are in promoting your book - the better your sales will be.
Fiction & Poetry:

Although some fiction and poetry can sell well; as a general rule fiction and poetry books do not sell very well unless supported by an effective marketing campaign. Therefore, if you are submitting fiction, poetry or personal memoirs and are hoping to secure a traditional contract, you would be well advised to forward your marketing and promotion plans along with your manuscript.

Without a convincing marketing plan, submissions in this genre are unlikely to qualify for a traditional contract. Please be advised.
Traditional Contracts
£99 Self-Publishing
We ARE actively seeking..

Academic books
‘How To’ manuals
Sports instruction
Historical works

...and books on;
Social justice
Religion (see above)
General Submission Guidelines..
Please feel free to peruse these ‘Look Inside’ samples from the Bookstore to get an idea of our quality standards
Religion          Social Justice          Fiction          Psychology          Sports Manual          Children          Self-Help          Social Commentary
QCI_37_page_sample.pdf NS28pageSample.pdf VD 28 page sample.pdf PSS 20pageSample.pdf CHT_40_page-sample.pdf OD2 12 page sample.pdf LTM_20pagesample.pdf TWR 62 page sample.pdf
We are NOT currently seeking..

First-time fiction
Gardening books
Science Fiction
Horror / Fantasy
Non-academic religious books