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To protect our high standards, CheckPoint Press will only accept manuscripts (or part-manuscripts) that are submitted in accordance with the following guidelines. Please ensure your manuscript has been properly edited and proofread before submission. Thank you.

1. Your manuscript should be submitted as a digital file capable of being read and edited on a PC. Files currently accepted are; Microsoft Word documents; Serif Page Plus documents; Open Office documents; PDF documents – either by email attachment or a mailed-in CD.

2. Do not password-protect or otherwise restrict access to the document.

3. Your submission must contain the following, also submitted as digital files:

(i) A one-page (or less) synopsis / description of your book.

(ii) A provisional Table of Contents.

(iii) The first and last chapters of your proposed manuscript (or the whole manuscript).

(iv) A brief resume of the author detailing your expertise in the subject area of your manuscript.

(v) (In the case of books seeking a traditional contract) – a detailed marketing plan outlining your target audience and the resources you are willing to invest in book promotion.  

4. We are happy to receive professionally formatted print-ready files, but otherwise request that manuscript files are submitted as per ‘1’ above, as simple text documents, with minimal additional formatting.

5. Please advise if diagrams or images are to appear in the textblock; their quantity, colour or black-and-white, position and placement.   

6. Your submission must be exclusive to CheckPoint Press. That is, that we expect the author to allow at least 21 days for us to either accept or reject the submission before the author approaches other agencies or publishers.

7. To protect our high standards and to ensure expediency, submissions containing fundamental grammar, syntax or spelling errors will usually not be considered – in which case, a generic advisory will be returned to the author, detailing the reasons for rejection. Please understand this is the only practical way to deal with multiple unsuitable submissions. No offence is intended.

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